



2023-09-05 12:05 来源: 莱福德


导读: 8月29日,上海国际智能家居展览会在上海新国际博览中心W3-W5馆拉开帷幕,作为智能家居行业风向标展会,2年的沉寂,让本届上海智能家居展一经开展就引流众多观众,展会现场人流络绎不绝,摩肩接踵……Sha


Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2023 kicked off on Aug 29th at the Shanghai New International Expo Center from W3 to W5 Hall. As the wind vane of smart home industry, after 2 years of silence, the Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2023 has attracted a large number of viewers since it was launched.


“Provide 100% service, gain 100% recognition” Demonstration of all series of dimmable driver

真金不怕火炼,此次展会莱福德以“服务100,满意100”为主题,在W3 A28展位通过演示箱、演示板、演示间及主流系统匹配等全方位体验方式,让现场观众可以亲身体验莱福德智能电源调光深度、平滑度、无频闪、兼容性等性能的优异效果。

A good anvil does not fear hammer.With the theme of “provide 100% service, gain 100% recognition”, Lifud has made a full range of experience through the demo box, demo board, demo room and mainstream system matching at W3 Hall A28 so that the viewers can experience the excellent effect Lifud’s intelligent driver with dimming depth, dimming smoothness, flicker free, compatibility and other performances.


In order to give the customers and friends who can't arrive on site the same opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the exhibition, understand the development trend of smart home and experience the application effect of Lifud products, Lifud conducted 2 live streamings on TikTok sharing the details of Lifud products online for the fans of Lifud and leading everyone to stroll around the show online.


“Human·Light·Life” Sharing of all scenes of DALI Lighting Art


Light makes life more enjoyable! During the exhibition, Lifud was invited by DALI Alliance to share DALI technology in "2023 DALI Alliance China Innovative Application Technology Forum", in which Mr. Chen Zhongzhi, the Product Center leader of Lifud, shared the lighting art application of DALI in all scenes, such as home, company, business, etc., with the theme of "Human·Light·Life".


Mr. Chen Zhongzhi, Lifud Product Center Leader, sharing at the forum


  • 2023-08-29
  • 2023-08-30

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